22 April 2013

The Breadboard

JM reiterates that we humans are here to learn…continuously. Anybody who ruminates a lot like me can agree that this is actually what we do … consciously or unconsciously and continuously: when we talk, when we listen, when we observe and when we act.

All experiences, good and bad, are learning experiences. Yes, there are opportunities to learn something even with traumatic experiences such as accident, physical injuries etc. and relatively minor experiences such as fall-from-grace, humiliation, divorce, disgrace etc. In fact everything is a learning experience. Even all (apparent) hindrances to one’s progress are actually opportunities to evaluate-learn-innovate-improve.

Is our innate goal to know it all and reach perfection? 

Consider the above illustration:  Brain as a platform for building information connects which in turn generates knowledge which in turn allows for ‘wisdom’. Like a breadboard where connections between points are made, connections like these together form a circuit to perform a larger function. Consider the neurons in the brain to be like these connection points waiting to be connected to another. A fresh (newborn) brain is blank and without any links….blank, happy, innocent and blissful.

A link between a few neurons may be formed when the baby learns that a smile gives (mother’s) attention in return.

Links are thereafter continuously formed and reorganized in different patterns over these infant years. Even a fall during its first steps also links connections, as this too is learning.

Later on in life, reading a book builds a few hundred connections (words, ideas, grammar, writing styles etc.)

Playing the piano builds another bus of connections in another area within the gooey matter.

Pursuing a hobby builds a few hundred.

Focusing on one area (say in one’s career) could organize the related connections from what looked like chaos at first to a pattern over the years of accumulation.

One may just not really know it all but may reach the threshold of completeness. It would seem there is infinite storage and infinite more stuffs to be learnt. But there could be peace at the stage when there is a pattern in the connections say like the image on the right.

End of Curiosity?

One of the yearnings (instincts I would say but not as basic as hunger) in human beings is “to know”. Curiosity is generally inherent in higher-brained animals but, I observe, that this itch unbearable for humans. It is as if to learn is the destiny of humans. What kicked-off as simple observation, in early humans, of patterns of danger and of the awe that is the sun, moon and stars is still in progress albeit to a very complex (or rather progressed) level. We now observe the most distant stars and the inner most particles; and also try to analyze consumer patterns which are as complex as the weather. Will this curiosity ever be satiated?

Is this state what is enlightenment (since I don’t know of another better word)?
As per Hinduism, one path to this state is Jnana yoga or the Path of Wisdom. Instinctively urged to follow this path one assimilates as much understanding as he can about the universe. Either through one source or varied, though the Hindu scriptures claim that understanding the Vedas would suffice.

My gatherings is that enlightenment is like the total understanding (maybe just acceptance) of everything’s place in the universe. The enlightened ones generally seem to be in a state of total calm. They also then tend to be extremely quiet and unfazed by events around then. They do not want to change anything. It is probably because they now feel everything in the universe is in its place and everything is right. Their quench for knowledge (of everything) satiated.

But enlightenment seems like conquering infinity by just understanding the finite?

Well I understand that at the point of the so-called enlightenment our brains are COMPLETE with all (necessary) findings…at least as much that a human mind/brain can process. It may not exactly be complete with everything in the universe but at least the basic patterns of the universe that explains everything i.e. the underlying basic rhythms of the universe or most fundamental equations in the universe.
Physically speaking this may indicate a brain complete with: all possible electrical connections it can achieve; all patterns it could humanly recognize.